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Health & Wellness

Alma Family Services (GRYD) provides free counseling, tutoring, family case management, substance abuse prevention group, recreational/academic enrichment activities for youth with presence in Boyle Heights.
Boyle Heights Beat/ Pulso de Boyle Heights is a bilingual community newspaper written by youth from Boyle Heights, as well as a website where we have contributing writers.
Caminos Seguros/ Safe Passages Program at Proyecto Pastoral is a volunteer and leadership opportunity for adults that aims to improve safety in our community and around our campus.
Dolores Mission Church (DM) parishioners, students and its community at large work together to provide safety, support, quality education and hope to the Boyle Heights community. We provide positive communication and parenting classes using Parenting by Connection curriculum.
East LA Community Corporation (ELACC) is dedicated to harnessing housing and other community development resources with and for low-income residents of Boyle Heights and Unincorporated East Los Angeles. The agency’s economic and social justice advocacy work directly meshes with BHPN’s theory of action and is why they will play a key role in organizing and providing direct services that foster economic development, stable housing, and healthy environments in Boyle Heights. Programs include: first time home buyer, foreclosure prevention, wealth building, free tax prep, affordable housing.
ENKI offers Youth and Family programs designed to provide a supportive environment that will promote normal healthy development and enrich the lives of children, adolescents and their families so they can be successful at home, in school and in the community. At Mendez ENKI provides outpatient and school based mental health services to the Boyle Heights community.
Healthy Start - Healthy Start was established in 1991 through Senate Bill 620, the Healthy Start Support Services for Children Act, to improve student learning and support families. Healthy Start enhances efforts to close the achievement gap by helping children and their family members gain access to an array of learning supports. While each local Healthy Start is unique, all are designed to do the following: Ensure that each child receives the physical, emotional, and intellectual support that he or she needs—in school, at home, and in the community—to learn well.
  • Build the capacity of students and parents to be participants, leaders, and decision-makers in their communities.
  • Help schools and other child and family-serving agencies to recognize, streamline, and integrate their programs to provide more effective support to children and their families.
Aydee Valle-Amescua, Healthy Start Program Coordinator
[email protected]
Office Hours: Mon thru Fri 7:30AM-4PM in the Parent Center
AltaMed Health Services helps inform families and friends with health related issues. They also provide presentations and are an onsite resource.
Latino Equality Alliance LGBTQA Youth Council serves students who identify as LGBTQ and/or as an ally. The program helps develop youth leaders in Boyle Heights. We emphasize on creating safe environments for all students in which they are able to succeed.
Lucille Beserra Roybal Family offers extensive program for parents in the form of computer class, ESL, salsa, tejido class; during tax season: free tax prep & ITIN preparation. Fridays DPSS case worker processes Medi-Cal & Cal Fresh applications
Peer Health Exchange empowers young people with the knowledge, skills, and resources to make healthy decisions.  We do this by training college students to teach a skills-based health curriculum in under-resourced high schools across the country.
Soledad Enrichment Action (BH GRYD) provides prevention, intervention, follow-up, home visits, case management, referral service for high risk population.
St. John's Clinic  provides medical, dental, and mental health  care. St. John’s provides services to address  our patients’ educational, socio-economic, and housing needs to advance all aspects  of their well-being.
Self Help Graphics (SHG)​​​​​​​ is dedicated to AA Para Hoy! (Youth and community AA Programs) by providing over 8000 local families and children with quality art programming and instruction every year. The goals of AA Para Hoy are to fortify and expand the use and access to art for youth 12-18 through SHG's facilities and resources.